"It's offensive to me that they're going to tell me how to act. I'm under contract with LSU, not the NCAA. I'll be there. I want my Final Four tickets, otherwise I wouldn't go. ” John Brady, LSU head coach FWIW, I think Coach is exactly right and continue to support his career at LSU. Go, Brady, Go!
There's too many reporters today in the real world and in sports When's the last time those stupid reporters say anything nice about anybody? To @$%&* with this stupid reporter!!!!
Sorry about this but I Have to say one more thing. I agree with Dale Brown when he said the NCAA has a gustopo Mentality. They for one thing don't treat sanctions equally for teams and players. I think they have too much power over the schools. For instance: I emailed them and asked them: What kind of message are u sending someone like Lester Earl, You severly punish the program but do nothing to the kid?? It makes someone like him think he can get away with stuff in life. This is America, I don't care who u are, if u have the money u should be able to buy whatever u want. Another NCAA stupid rule: Football, you get a penalty for celebrating after a big play. This is a Game??? I'm not for show boating or embarrasing the other team
Maybe I didn't quite get this story right the first time. Who is the NCAA to tell you what to do and how to act??
Isn't Chris Weber from Chicago? Wonder why ESPN sent so much time investigating the University of Tennessee when Michigan was hiding so much. Hell if the NCAA won't investigate Notre Dame and the Big Ten schools, it is understandable that he thinks the SEC is the dirtiest.
These Universities only care about one thing. Winning and bringing in money and prestige . When they get caught they are just surprised that these kind of things went on. My A$$. They dont want to know what is really going on so they look the other way. Lets face it the money that college sports brings in with T.V. revenue and gate reciepts is tremendous. The high talent kids know that if they hold out they will get a good recruiting deal if you know what i mean. Not all the kids are that way but how can you blame a kid that is coming from a poor family and all they see is a way to get an easy ride. It happens in every conference and at every school. Maybe in varying degree's but it happens everywhere.
What about Chris Webber and Michigan, You don't ever hear anything bout that. Btw. Are they still under investigation?? I not, Did they get any kind sanctions brought down on them?? I'm sure it wasn't even close to what we got over the Lester, worst player I ever saw in an LSU uniform, deal. Dennis Tracey had more of an impact than him
Wasn't that just as bad as the Lester Earl deal? Look what they did to us!!! I didn't really keep up with the Michigan investigation. That's a real big deal isn't it?