Addai, Green, or Doucet experiment at QB this spring?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by max, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. max

    max Founding Member

    Perhaps this is an unusual question.

    If Saban doesn't get a top quarterback recruit in this class (like Perrilloux), do you think he would consider moving a former high school quarterback (like Addai, Green, or Doucet) to quarterback during the spring as an experiment?

    Saban likes to experiment with players in the spring and Addai and Green know the offense and their current position as seniors. I know Russell, Flynn, or Reaver will probably be fine but quarterback is the only questionable postion on this team for next year as far as I'm concerned. Even if someone like Addai or Green did not win the job, they could be used situationally at quarterback during the season. Can you imagine Addai or Green as a running threat at quarterback with Broussard or Vincent at running back. I know this is an off the wall suggestion, but what if Russell wins the job and is still doing the same things as this year, which seems a relatively plausible scenario. I would hate to settle for another very good season with a great team just lacking solid quarterback play. Doucet has said that he would rather play quarterback but he thinks he has a better future at WR and he wants playing time. Hopefully, we get Perrilloux, Portis, Crompton, or Bass, but it sure would make for an interesting spring conversation-wise if Saban experimented this way. Thoughts?
  2. conradj

    conradj Founding Member

    nah....we have enough. I would guess if some injuries occur, Early would be the emergency guy.
  3. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    If we put them in at QB, they will have to go through all the struggles we dealt with this year with an inexperienced QB. They may know the offense well, but WR's don't have to do things the same as a QB. They would still have to learn a lot. And as mentioned in another post, it looks very likely that we will get Perrilloux. However, if we don't, and Russell doesn't improve before next season - I'd be willing to see them try anything. I agree, next season's success depends on a QB developing and would hate to see us struggling at that position again. I just don't think these WR's are the answer. I will trust in Nick, and if he says it's good - it's good!
  4. philter

    philter Founding Member

    No doubt Russell and Flynn will improve, it's natural. Even if we get RP, I would think Russell or Flynn would win the starting QB spot - it's not as if it is a piece of cake to start and play well as a true freshman.
  5. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Max, Max, Max

    ~M~A~T~T~ ~F~L~Y~N~N~ is innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn da' house ...

    He'll get the job done (Russell doesn't look like he will pan out) until Perriloux (an immediate impact player) gets a late 2005 start or starts in 2006

    ~G~O~S~P~E~L~ ~T~R~U~T~H~
  6. Tygrr

    Tygrr Win the West

    Doucet maybe, he has decent size for a qb and his athleticism would make him dangerous. Addai is only six foot, but Herb Tyler was too, but to suggest that all 5'9" of Green could qb behind our huge O-line is a bit far fetched.
  7. Tygrr

    Tygrr Win the West

    I am excited about the possibility of RP coming to LSU, but I won't be so naive to write off Russell after just one season in which he didn't even start every game.
  8. philter

    philter Founding Member

  9. NOSA

    NOSA Founding Member

    If you were frustrated with Russell at QB, Green, Addai, or Doucet aren't your answer.
  10. ramah

    ramah Founding Member


    You can't piss down my back ... and tell me it's raining

    IMO ... In my opinion ... Perriloux "greener grass" is worth the jump.

    And a true athlete with the speed LSU needs at QB to "OWN" the SEC for the next few years


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