If Keith Jackson, John Saunders, and Mickey Mouse Bowden can love on USC anymore today, I may vomit on my big screen. Everything USC does Jackson nearly soils his pants in excitement. We will get the Sooner love fest with Musbergur. I hate ABC.
Don't mess up your big screen, we know how unprofessional thier announcers are from the USC Oregan St game
the Sugar Bowl is for the computer championship. This game is for the human championship. the reason for the smart ass comment is because USC IS #1 in both the human polls. That is what Keith said...he needs to retire. Next thing you know he is going to go down and lead the SC band in March On.
Has he? I missed that. At least we have someone on our side. Just happens to be a former SEC head coach.
Does Keith Jackson annoy the hell out of anyone else? This guy has to be the worst announcer ever. I'd rather listen to Theisman, Madden, and Summerall. He's got a damn metaphor for everything and half of them don't make any sense. I can't stand this guy. Now Fouts, he's a jackass too. He just said, "Oklahoma and LSU are lucky, not because of the BCS, but because they don't have to play USC." What a bunch of fruitcakes.
Dan Fouts... "Oklahoma and LSU are lucky. Not because they are playing for the BCS, but because they do not have to play USC." SCREW YOU DAN! ANY DAY, ANY TIME, ANY WHERE BITCHES!