There you go again. Insecure about what? There is nothing to be insecure about. This is a big game. Its a slow week since neither of us are playing so why not toss a few comments back and forth? ARE YOU INSECURE?
I dont have to think one way or the other. Again, it just makes you feel better if you think that LSU fans or players are just as worried as Bama fans and players. Again, we have been there already this year, the spotlight, the big stage, the primetime matchup, its nothing new for us. This is your first, I get will be ok. There is always the sugar bowl :thumb: Just dont get blown out again like the Utah game and make the SEC look awful!
Join Date: Oct 2009 Location: Houston, TX Posts: 1,492 Online: YES Quote: Contained Chaos said.... Wait, when did this happen? Surely, you gest. You do realize that he's accounted for 5 total turnovers this year, including 2 INTs, which is only 1 less than Claiborne, whom you readily acknowledge as being badass, don't you? And that's not even addressing the obvious logical flaw in saying "the unit that includes X is great, but not because of X", which implicitly states that they're great in spite of him. Are you beginning to realize how ridiculous that statement is? I do believe he forced the 1st turnover in the game against Alabama last year, batting Elroys pass in the air causing the pick by K-Shep. I think Bama fans Fear the Badger as they Fear the Hat now." That excerpt is from LSU 4 Life. He insinuated it.
Absolutely not, I lost all my jitters after the Oregon game. I have seen enough from LSU to know how good they really are and how good they play against really good oponents. If they play LSU football, they take this game, hands down
No Bama is not afraid because we are used to these situations been in more times than not. Again, why is everyone freaking out because someone come over to talk a little football?
So if they lose its not because they were beaten, its because they did not play LSU football? Ok well then if we lose its because we did not play BAMA football. Seems kinda stupid when we know one team is just going to get beat.