A Monstrous Crime Those who conduct and perpetuate the Drug War should be held accountable for the part they are playing in a monstrous crime against humanity. tgsam
we appreciate your lack of caps lock in the title. however, a little effort could be put into the body of the post. perhaps a specific or two. many folks here agree with you entirely. i think the drug war is a tremendous waste of resources and a major cause of crime. i think recreational drug use is a legitimate pastime, like drinking. i feel like as human beings, we should be free to try whatever mind altering substances we want. i know plenty of folks that use drugs, even relatively hard drugs, and manage them quite easily. in fact i would say that the people i know that i respect the most also happen to be the ones who have had the guts to try the most dangerous drugs and manage it pretty safely. so there is a topic here, and we have discussed it here before. with a bit of effort i think you could get a dialogue going about it. but not by posting weird old-man proclamations. there is no need to "hold accountable" the folks that have made drugs illegal. to simply make them legal would be a better goal.
Sadly, few individuals perceive the seriousness of the unlawful precedent set by Drug Prohibition. Such unlawful power in the hands of government is dangerous in the extreme. Should there ever be an awakening in America, Drug Prohibition should head the list of unlawful powers to be extinguished. The Judicial Industry, office holders, and Big Pharma* will continue to profit from the law-supported power to persecute individuals who practice self-medication and use recreational alternatives to ethyl alcohol. "As ever, post election herds of politicians are migrating from the public sector to the promised land of Washington lobbying, led this year by Representative Billy Tauzin, an architect of the people's new Medicare drug law who is becoming the pharmaceutical industry's chief lobbyist at a rumored salary of $2 million a year". -- http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/17/opinion/17fri2.html?th Citizen, are you paying too much for drugs? There is a near-total disconnect between the "representatives" and the "represented" in America today. The existence of a constructed American Aristocracy can be foolishly ignored but it cannot rightly be denied. I wonder how much lawyer Tauzin has accumulated over the years without ever having to labor a single day? Wake up folks, your great-great-grandparents had a better, and much more affordable opportunity to safely relieve their aches and pains while enjoying a good nights sleep, than you do. Know your enemy. tgsam *Google: LewRockwell.com and check out Karen DeCoster’s, Disease Mongering for Fear and Profit. The Big Government-Big Pharma Complex: Disease Mongering for Fear and Profit by Karen De Coster
again, i dont think anyone gives a damn if drug prohibition is "lawful" according to some lunatic or even the constitution. they care if it is right or wrong. people want arguments about why drugs should be legal. they dont care about whatever you babble about. do drugs hurt society? do they cause crime? will more folks use drugs if they are legal? will we save money on jails? people care more about those things than whatever silly unlawful legal juris infringement doctor of usurpation nonsense you are offering.
A so-called society is merely a sum of individuals. It is wrong to arrest individuals who have committed no real crime. Who would force his way into his harmless neighbor's home and arrest him on suspicion that he possesses a recreational alternatives to ethyl alcohol? Who would arrest his neighbor for the mere possession of the means to control his pain or otherwise relieve his suffering? What is unconscionable for an individual is equally unconscionable for a mob or a government. tgsam
earlier when i replied, i had read your posts before i signed in. when i signed in it reminded me that i have you on my ignore list. i gues that was a smart choice. you just arent interesting. good luck engaging the others.
I have a question for Tinsley. All your posts are in the free speech alley. So, are you actually an LSU or rival fan and just have nothing to contribute for the sports talk, or are you just on here because you live in Gonzales and LSU is the closest major university here, and you seem to think you have a captive audience for your nonsense?
I gave up and just quit reading. He memorizes sentences. I don't think he even understands them. But it's really killing discussion around FSA.
true enough, amigo. yunno the bbc published a story about how the globe isnt warming? maybe we could argue about that, like old times: " For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. And our climate models did not forecast it" BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | What happened to global warming?
It's a monstrous crime. Those who conduct and perpetuate the War on Global Warming should be held accountable for the part they are playing in a monstrous crime against humanity. We can no longer sit back and allow Juris Doctor infiltration, indoctrination, subversion, and the international legal conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. -Rgasm