This is part of a letter from Robert Sumichrast, Dean of the College of Business Administration. "A number of our programs have achieved national recognition. A good example is the internal audit program in our accounting department. This rigorous program is taught by world reknowned faculty. Accounting firms and other companies increasingly come to LSU seeking these graduates because ours is generally recognized as the best internal audit program in the world." I have a mind to write Dr. Sumichrast, however, to tell him that the word is "renown", not "reknowned."
I freaking hated the internal auditing classes I took at LSU. I thought it might have been the most pointless class at LSU. Then again internal auditors are like consultants. They can't do the real work so they shuffle paper and cause problems so it looks like they are worth the money they are charging for their time. On the other hand everyone I knew who earned the internal auditing certification got a great job offer right out of college. :grin: