That's what we are inflicting on our opponents here at the end of the 1st Quarter. LSU looks very good on O, D and Sp Teams agains Arizona. Way to go! :geaux: :lsug:
You are right on Mr. Lafitte This is a beating! No other explanation, just a good 'ol fashion beating so far. Hope they continue the intensity
NOt yet, have satellite coming in 2 weeks But the play by play radio is giving me enough to smile about. My wife and I are absolutely loving what we hear. Geaux Tigers!!!
LSU poured it on and on and on and on. FINAL SCORE LSU Tigers 59 Zona Mildcats 13 You said it best, Jean Lafitte. A decisive beating.
Arizona was AWFUL! As bad a D-1 team as I have seen in years. And TBS must LOVE this, since they think so much of Arizona as to have them on next Saturday night as well. Wonder how those pre-game promos will go this week.