I have been limping for months. Mid December I learned I had messed up a tendon in my right foot. So...I have been in a huge inflatable boot for three weeks, three more to go, with not much to do. During this near prison existence, I have read two, long involved science fiction "space dramas" Thought I would pass them along. The first is The Vorkosigan Saga. About a dozen books in series. The books have a specific order, and it is not in book/publication order. There are a number of suggested readin orders. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorkosigan_Saga The next is The Frontier Saga. This is a beast. There are 15 episodes (books) in multiple parts. I am on episode 12 of the first 15. http://www.frontierssaga.com/episodes/ The former is better than the later. Neither are gonna get Pulitzer Prizes, but if you like space/futuristic sci-fi and long term reading you might want to give either or both a try.
You might try these series. First two series by Evan Currie. Odyssey http://www.amazon.com/Homeworld-Odyssey-Series-Evan-Currie/dp/1480544159 and Silver Wingshttp://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=silver+wings+evan+currie are better than Frontier by far. They actually have compelling characters and really good story lines. Also Christopher Nuttal has several entertaining series. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_s...3155,k:christopher+nuttall+kindle+books&ajr=2 As you can tell I'm a Kindle user & fan.