And the last chapter in the last book of the GOOD BOOK ... has these insightful words. Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done ... Outside are the ... :shock: .... dogs .... :shock: ... those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. A rather strange coincidence that the end of the good book references: dogs ... "outside" of the kingdom ... :shock: :shock: :shock: rewards ... Would the football Gods allow the "GEORGIA 9" to have SEC Championship rings? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pizza and Beer Money ... overrated GA WR star BUM Bailey
We all now where you go to school if you spell dogs like you do. In the dictionary its spelled dogs not dawgs.
Am I the only one that really doesn't care for all of the Biblical references, here? I'm fine with talk of football, but to invoke God as a reason why we'll win is a little sacreligious, in my opinion... I mean, to question the faith of the Georgia players or to say that we have God on our side, and they don't, it just doesn't make too much sense... Am I alone here?
Do we really want to get into a quarrel with UGA fans about the spelling of certain words near and dear to our hearts? I don't think you want to geaux there.
I am with you TE, but during my short time on these forums it appears to be par for the course with ramah. I am sure J.C. and crew have far more important things to worry about. If this is your biggest worry this weekend, then count your blessings.
You guys need to whip em out measure up your gamec*cks and get it over with. After we beat UGA, we will find out if God is on our side...
I'm sorry...But I'm never going to ask God to help LSU win...Like it or lump it. I'm also not going to start quoting scripture to invoke the likelihood of a sign from God that LSU will win. I'm also not going to start talking in tongues or swallowing snakes or non-chlorine bleach in an attempt to prove that God is on LSU's side... Call me crazy...