more bulletin board material from auburn: Offensive tackle Monreko Crittenden said if Auburn does its part, noise should never be a factor. "All we have to do is just keep our poise and do what we can do," he said. "It doesn't matter how loud they get. Once we get on them and we're going good and moving the ball, the crowd's going to hush."
Get your head out of your ass Numa. "Once we get on them and we're going good and moving the ball, the crowd's going to hush." Translation - He thinks auburn is going to dominate LSU and when they start dominating LSU they'll shut the fans up. More translation - LSU fans will be fairweather when auburn starts pounding LSU. Pretty ballsy to think auburn will move the ball on LSU at will and then to add insult calling the LSU fans out.
"It doesn't matter how loud they get." His point is it will matter how loud we get. Something Mr. Crittenden will get to witness first hand. Something Mr. Greene knows all to well.
I'd say for the LSU football team too. "Once we get on them and we're going good and moving the ball..." Believe me Mssr. Crittenden, auburn will not come into Ole' War Skull and move the ball at will.
Numa, Isn't Crittenden the same player who said on SportsCenter that auburn is better than So. Cal? for those interested in what aubbies are saying, do the link.!news!sports
If the teams come out with half the smack and trash thats being talked here on the forums it should be a heack of a game.
The nickname "Shortbus" has already been assigned to Jacobs so I guess Crittenden will get the name "Crash Test Dummy"