The 8th anniversary is coming up so the timing is right for this. I watched a program last night about people, called "Truthers" who are convinced that the whole thing was some type of vast conspiracy by our own government (read: Bush). They believe that the towers were rigged with explosives to ensure a collapse and that a cruise missle, not an airplane, struck the Pentagon. There are also those who believe that the 3 planes that actually struck buildings actually landed at a "secret airfield" then all of the passengers were put on United Flight 93 and then the US shot that plane down to get rid of the witnesses. Although Truthers won't discuss motive, the prevailing thought that it was a way to get us into a war with Iraq. Is there anyone here who actually believes that our own government had anything to do with the 9/11 attacks?
I just cannot see how so many chains of event could occur to plot said theory and it never leak. Too many players involved in coordinating such a thing to cover it all up with kitty litter. With no motive to mention, even myth busters is gonna pass on this one.
WTH? I've never heard that part before. I love me a good conspiracy but geez, that's over the top. Way over.
you know where this is going dont you? :lol: "they had something to do with it but not in that regards...." i figured id bail you out. now back to your regularly scheduled conspiracy. also, I was on one of those flights that landed in the airfield. its all true.
contained chaos sometimes takes time away from being a libertarian to question the official story on 9/11.
How about a line or two of synopsis? Then I'll decide if I want to devote 2.5 hours just to Volume 1!
did you see what else the guy that posted this version has also posted? TNA lockdown review WWE backlash review wwe backlash predictions and on and on.... yeah I am gonna take what this guy thinks seriously.
Hey Effers, there is something else pretty significant about that day. It just happened 32 years prior to the tragedy in NYC. Cept this it was an awesome thing that happened.