I've spoken to Kyle and he is ready to hand over the keys to what's left of the kingdom. I realize traffic is way down and a lot of that is because changes need to be made. Our choices are save it or take it out back and shoot it. Looking at those of us here to chime in with a vote. I know there were a few that had problems getting on and not sure how to reach them. If you know of any then please share the news and let me know. That is all I have at the moment.
I agree. it cant be overstated how broken this site is. I can only post with a particular browser on a particular old PC I have laying around. nothing else works. there have to be many folks who cannot be bothered to jump thru hoops to post. I am sad when my basketball updates go unread!
How I feel about This Day in History; its like I'm writing for Shane and that's it. For the record, I read your updates but I gave up on the team a long time ago.
Nope I’m still here. Recently found out I can now only post in Chrome and not my preferred Safari. Just got home from the hospital and double bypass surgery. Was happy to see someone posted, but not the type of post to be happy about
Should be happy, it's a chance to save it! That is what this is all about. So far no one has said kill it!
For sure. I live in North Carolina. This is an LSU fan’s sanctuary and solace. If it goes away, I’ll get over the inevitable sadness. But, this particular forum is the best of any I’ve ever seen. Despite the troubles and turmoil, it just works well. It’s the most readable and the easiest to participate in. My vote… Stay. That’s with the realization that I have no role in the technical aspects. So, take it as appreciation to have been part of the site. Here’s hoping for many thousands of future posts.