There were also plenty of thUg fans knocked unconscious during the mass exodus last night fleeing from the Georgia Dome. :rofl:
It's a dang shame that they were beaten so badly that they couldn't even win a street brawl afterward...I bet former 'U' football players are embarrassed. I mean, you can lose on the field, but 'U' MUST win those post-game fights!!!! As I said in a post on here last night: You can take the 'U' out of the thugs, but you can't take the thugs out of the 'U'...
Actually, when you think about it the players with the 'U' helmets didn't seem to have too much going on inside the helmets during the game, so I'm guessing that it didn't take a hard lick to knock 'em senseless...
Just two? The Tigers really must have been tired.:rofl: Actually, they weren't unconsious..Just too dumb to know how to open the exit door, so they "faked" it....:hihi: :hihi:Also heard they had a "get away" car waiting for them.