I'm an old fart who has grand kids who are attending school. Stacey nailed it. Arming teachers is not the answer. Put armed personnel in the school if you have to, but I don't want to see my grand daughters 2nd gradel teacher carrying a .45 caliber pistol.
I wouldn't arm every teacher. Certain ones. Give any teacher that was ex military consideration. Coaches. Ones that hunt pretty often. If we trust teachers with our kids education all day, we should trust them with protecting them. I know a few teachers that I would trust with a handgun in my kids school. Had a few teachers when I was in school that I definitely would want in the classroom with my kids if an armed intruder were wAlking the halls.
So, were these teachers quality teachers, or did would they just make good "tough guys"? Personally, I wish my middle school still had a police officer; we always did, but a couple of years ago, budget cuts forced our district to cut resource officers to the point that they were only available at the high schools. Our resource officer was a wonderful addition to our school. Officer Parker was loved by staff and students, alike, and was a great mentor. And my school's demographic has changed drastically in the past 16 years. We now have gang members at our campus--though we keep tabs on their activity so that it doesn't occur at school, or they are outta here. As for the elementary schools in our district? Could we justify putting an officer in each of the 60 some-odd buildings at a cost of over $50,000 a year? On the off-chance that a madman will come gunning for our children? The worst offenses that have taken place at my daughters' elementary school since 2007 are: a kid stuffing a bunch of rolls of toilet paper in the 5th grade toilets, a 4th grade girl writing on the restroom walls, and a 3rd grader throwing a chair in the library. Can it be justified?
Of course it can't be justified. We can't live in fear. Also for those of us who enjoy being sad, 1000 people were just killed by a typhoon in the Philippines. I will keep you updated on the other tragedies we can have empathy for as they happen.
5 are dead in a murder suicide in Colorado. Please express the appropriate amount of grief. All humans feel empathy. http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/18/justice/colorado-shooting/?hpt=hp_t3 I will start a daily tragedy thread
Not tough guys Stacey. Level headed, quality teachers. He kind of teachers that have a natural tendency to put themselves between kids and danger.
I would put myself between kids and danger if it ever came to that, as I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't. But I don't want to be armed on the off-chance that a shooter comes into my school. Of course, even unarmed people would have more of a chance against a gunman if he didn't have semi-automatic weapons on him.
He could kill just as easily with a shot gun or hunting rifle or even a bolt action lee Harvey Oswald special. It's not about gun control.
I know he could, but I also know that the adults that lunged towards him were pumped full of bullets the second they tried to take him down. That little piece of shit didn't weigh 120 pounds dripping wet, but he was of superhuman strength with those assault-type weapons. If he had regular weapons, maybe the adult victims could've overtaken him--like the principal, counselor, and assistant principal when they went to investigate.