I knew after the first GA game that we had a chance. We had just beaten a REALLY good team, and our defense would not let us down. After the Florida game I was probably the angriest I have ever been in my life. When those bastards started jumping on the eye celebrating after the game, I wanted to run on the field and kick the living hell out of them or die trying. I thought they had ruined it; one loss in the BCS means almost certain doom. But then things just started working out, and when I watched us kick the crap out of GA in the GA Dome, and when they announced the final score of the OU-KSU game, I knew we had it. I knew we'd make it to the championship game and I knew nobody could beat us in what would become our own house. What a season. How lucky are we? :geaux:
Luck had nothing to do with it. The Tigers were clearly superior to every other team in college football and rightfully assumed the throne in the Sugar Bowl. Oklahoma is damn lucky the game didn't turn into a blowout and USUCK is damn lucky they didn't have to play LSU and be exposed on the field as the pretenders they are. The first game with UGA showed everybody that LSU belonged in the big leagues. Even after the loss to Florida the Tigers only fell to 10th in the polls. After that they became an irresistable juggernaught rolling over South Carolina, Auburn, Alabama, LaTech, Arkansas and Georgia with only a minor blip on the close game radar screen against Ole Missed it by That Much.