Not buying that. Trump pulled about 63 million votes in his '16 win, but 74 million in '20. Unacceptable candidates don't gain 11 million votes. You can look at that and say both parties showed huge vote total increases in '20, so not cheating, just increases that can be accounted for by the relaxed voting regs. But as of this afternoon, this year is looking like Trump 71.9 million, Harris 67 million. The GOP "get out the vote" campaign was insane this year, but Trump got about 2 million fewer votes than in '20. That's not an unreasonable fall off when you consider voting was more "normal" this year than in 2020. Harris lost 14 million votes for her party, despite the massive scare campaign they ran against Trump. Harris/Waitz was one of the shittiest tickets I've ever seen (CNN reported at one point last night that Harris did not increase Democrat vote totals in a single county nationwide. That's one shitty ticket!), but I can't also help but notice the flurry of court rulings in a few swing states that prevented several of the seedy tricks we saw in '20 from being repeated. No doubt in my mind, history is going to show 2020 was stolen.
“roughly a quarter of all voters used a mailed ballot during the 2016 and 2018 elections, but that jumped to more than 43% in 2020” I don’t know how that compares to today, but it certainly was a thing in 2020 and the Democrats used and abused Covid as a way to get votes. Democrats are at a crossroad now. Some are angry that the party didn’t separate themselves from the progressive left ideology and some say they need to move farther left to get new votes. Democrats used everything they could for 4 years to take down the man but failed to take down the ideas. They thought that would work but they failed to realize their own weaknesses. Obviously, Republicans are much more together.
I’m not tell you, I’m telling the man that has control over this site. Please fix it and more will post. I kind of think that he didn’t like the tone and he doesn’t care.
It’s interesting those of us with the capacity for objective curiosity and questioning have been proven right on Trump every regard. Salute.
The 17 bellwether counties nationwide that have supported the winner at least 88% in every election since 1984…with one exception.
I’m no fan of Trump, nor am I a fan of Harris. But it’s a lot more enjoyable watching/reading/hearing the libs melt down. Sadly, for the overall common good, it looks like the Dems are going to settle on race and gender reasons for their precipitous demise. Not only is it wrong, but it is intellectually lazy. And it traps them going forward. Hell, Aunt Jemima could have won if the borders were tight, immigrants were legal, inflation would not have gone nuts from 20 - 23, and the human sexuality and its various perversions were not the Dem’s North Star. Race and gender have NOTHING to do with these issues, and ultimately with the Dem’sshellacking. Notice I didn’t even mention “reproductive rights!”