:hihi: The piss balloon versus a stale Krispy Kreme, decisions, decisions!
At Home! Get 'em live & fresh in Pierre Part or Belle River, where they're nice and fat, that's the secret, the quality of the bugs. Purge 'em 2...
All of Fulmer's pre-game antics deserve a response from the LSU fan base. A pre-game bombardment of Krispy Kreme donuts along with a HUGE CHORUS...
good stuff! That Slive knows how to stick a fork in just right
UT and Jabba the Vol get another week's ride in the AP Top 10 before they get dumped into "others receiving votes" and Alabama passes them up in...
:rofl: Great fark! It's been too damned long waiting for a HOME OPENER almost one month overdue.
Pellini will want to finish the season as LSU's DC, so his playcalling will improve to show less zone & soft coverage and more pressure and blitz...
http://www.sportingnews.com/yourturn/viewtopic.php?t=19091 Excerpts: Problems with the offense and kicking game are worries after a breakdown...
Maybe 50-60 thousand at most will actually attend this game on a work night. LSU could estimate this non-attendance figure and hold late General...
Great news that the storm has weakened significantly. The latest at 11PM, has Freeport at 41%. That puts winds at 80-90 mph in Houston. 28.4N...
Hey, genius! How's it feel to know Geritol man was right! Saban fan makes you look like a punk! Careful, that fifth grade edumacation is showing.
:rofl: Tell 'em Marine! Hey Phil, drag your fat ass down here and come and take your ass whipping like a man!
Well, Galveston's sea wall will get a rebuild along with that of N.O. because 17 feet won't stop a 30 foot surge. That channel side will get...
Hey, genius! Galveston & Houston are in EAST Texas. Brownsville & Corpus among others are in south Texas! If it hits Galveston & the greater...
No news yet on the conference call, with results to be posted on lsusports.net immediately after the conference call. Game time will see heavy...
This site's been right for every hurricane the past few years in the Gulf. They are still saying Galveston to Freeport area, and that means...
Agree! Fla as a BCS team not SEC Champ could go, although unlikely with 2 losses to LSU :yelwink2:
Yeah, great! Let's scare the Tiger with a howitzer charge! ****can the howitzer, Mike's roaring is just fine with me.
Winds are projected to 25 mph for Saturday dying down as the day ends. Where is it written in stone that 20 mph winds are "Do not enter Tiger...