Updated Rehearsal Time: Tiger Band Open Practice Saturday Morning !! LSU Tiger Band will be rehearsing Saturday Morning (Aug 31) from 9:30AM to...
This is near downtown and it should be a ball. It's on Friday night. http://www.tigerfanjam.com/
http://lsualumnidallas.com/ Pre-Game Tailgate Party Who better to show you a good time at the LSU vs TCU game than the LSU Alumni Association...
And I started this thread about what could be brought into the game..............................
Cocktails you'll have to pay for at the LSU Alumni Dallas Tailgate Party before the TCU game, but beer is included in the price of the ticket. For...
NOTICE **** NOTICE **** NOTICE Tiger Fans please be aware that the new regulation concerning bags, purses, backpacks for NFL game also applies to...
Pre-Game Tailgate Party Who better to show you a good time at the LSU vs TCU game than the LSU Alumni Association Dallas Chapter! In the great...
The LSU Alumni Dallas Assoc. is having a huge pre-game tailgate party before the TCU game. We had one for the Oregon game two years ago and had...