Trent Dilfer was on the SVP show, & SVP asked him what was the deal with Kiel, b/c apparently Dilfer works with a lot of young QB's at his camp....
I liked Shep, but we won't miss him, & he's an idiot if he thinks attempting to go pro is his best option. I liked Boone, but if he wants to...
Damn...that's not a good sign. Hopefully he can overcome the dark thoughts following that pathetic performance.
Somebody get a shovel & bury the memory of JJ & JL forever!!! I'm done talking & hearing about them. DONE!
HAHA! Come on guys. We lost to a great team after dominating for the 13 games before that. Recruits are still coming.
It's bad right now guys. We had to watch 3 hours of agonizing, pitiful play in the most important game of college football against our most hated...
Les is a good coach, but his stubbornness cost him a lot of credibility with LSU nation.
This year has been wild in many ways, but despite all the adversity, the Tigers went 13-0 & have a shot at the title tonight. This has been one of...
I agree 100%. It would've been great to get Collins, but we're stacked on D. We need a QB who can throw the damn ball. If we had a QB that could...
We have Reid & Loston next year, & then I'm sure if one of them (Reid) goes pro after that, we'll have a guy step up in his spot! The only...
You guys are getting way too deep in this topic. Sure, he's the #1 Safety in the nation, but we locked up the #1 QB & that's much more important...
At least the gumps sealed up yet another well rounded, articulate, quality young man & not a thug like the ones they say our team is loaded with.
What a sellout. He'll regret it just like McNight regretted his decision. Momma knows best son!
Where did Collins commit to?
Good effort. They were up for most of the game, so that's a good sign, just gotta learn to finish better. I'm excited about SEC play coming up...
Looks like TJ finally got a nice team together. A lot of people have been critical of him the last 3 years, but I've always thought he was a good...
It's amazing that this guy can still bait you guys in.
That's good to know! I was just bustin your chops a bit. I was hoping you were, especially being from Covington.
Sorry if I offended you, but I'm just going off of my personal experience. I'm sure there are plenty of hog fans that know a lot about sports.
I can see how your experience has changed your perspective, but although our southern cultures may be similar in many ways, our south Louisiana...