You are in for an experience. I went to the WVU game last year and might be in New Orleans for vacation the weekend LSU plays Western Kentucky....
Ditto to absolutely everything you wrote. I am a lifelong resident of the Northeast who also happens to be a college football fan. Over the last...
In fairness, UT was playing Tech coming off a year where Tech had beaten them. I have no doubt that being in Tiger Stadium for a game against an...
Damn, as a visitor from New England, I thought the crowd was decent in the first half and got very frustrated in the second half. I did not...
A big thanks for all the advice I received from you guys last week. Gameday in Baton Rouge was amazing! We missed most of the tailgates due to...
Easy, my clairvoyant friend. You don't know anything about me or my politics. Here is what you know, per my post: 1) Any maligning of President...
I called the La Quinta Inn last night to confirm a reservation. Guy at the desk told me they have availability Saturday night.
Yes, I can see how mentioning Bush in a thread titled "Bush Tax Cuts" could be viewed as irrelevant.
Ha. Solid debating skills man.
Two articles... Sorry, saw this thread and could not resist. Sincerely hope there is no political talk this Saturday. Screw politics, we have...
As one visitor to New Orleans to another (I am from Boston, get down there once or twice a year, not often enough), go to Jacques Imo's. It is a...
BTW, I love seeing Celtics and Sox avatars on an LSU board. Two days and a wake up until Saturday...
Collateral damage! Jeez, I am going to get next-to-no work done this week.
This washers sounds intriguing. From WASHERS - A Great American Game Washers is a game for youngsters, oldsters and in-betweensters ... folks of...
Yes! I actually wish I was driving so I could bring my boards. Tough drive for a weekend though.
She? Who is this she? Actually, if that is why the tailgate invite is open then I can be a she:thumb:. The 2004 - 2006 Pats were loaded with...
Ha! Is cornhole a big deal down there? I just discovered that game and am totally hooked.
Oh man, I remember the Tommy Hodson era a little too Kevin Faulk. He is an all-time favorite up here. Just a great approach to the...
Excellent! I will wear my Patriots hat and be prepared to take plenty of ribbing related to video cameras and QBs who marry super models. Things...
Uh, any chance that a visitor from Boston can get in on that action?