I was having the same problem. This forum probably just needs an update (if there is one) to make it secure and work with modern browsers. It...
Wow... just went through an act of congress just to be able to post a reply. Anyway... Agree with everything said here. The coach carousel is...
Hey guys, long time no see! I've been around, but mostly just lurking. Was wondering what everybody is thinking about the coaching situation (with...
I don't. Wow.
This game is nuts LOL
especially if FSU scores here
damn, I had quit watching this shitshow then LSU scored in the 3rd? I'll stay away from the TV guys
Merry Christmas you guys. I think what we see next from LSU is going to be a lot different than we've seen in a long time. I think we go through...
I agree. But Joe Brady did bring a mindset that was needed at LSU. He got them thinking outside the box. I would love to have him back.
Lets hope so
He certainly doesn't sound anything like a "fish out of water" as some people were saying.
LOL That's a great thread... love all the replies. I'm actually getting excited again.
I would love to know what he said to them in there. "Alright boys, playtime is over. Time to get serious." Team: "awww...." They look really humdrum
Actually, he might be busy building a fire
Hell I wouldn't go anywhere near Shane right now :D
OHHH yeah... had to google it.
hell I'm too old too then LOL. He's only 6 years older than me. They can hire me and I'll let you guys all coach the team though me. I could do...
Isn't Kelly the 'winning-est Coach' in NCAA history though? I don't know a lot about him but he doesn't seem like a bad hire. What am I missing?
Haha nice! We all need that guy's job. How's it going GDF? Been a while :)
I believe you're thinking of Gordon Freeman ;)