I would think for sure he will be heading for Tenn., but who knows I might be wrong. I was wrong about who was going to win todays game :angryfire
After watching us losse to Ark today I say fire every f*cking body. :angryfireMy God 7-5 after all the build up . DC watch we can get John Chavis...
Re: DC Watch: John Chavis John Chavis would be a good choice for a DC but there are others DC that would be great to have like Nick Holt USC,...
0ne thing for sure LSU has to hire a real DC for next year. Imean a well known one . Hell spend some money and get Dick Bumpas from TCU. That man...
I think we all agree they have to go, so the next task is to find a new DC. I say spend some money get Nick Holt form USC or Dick Bumpas from TCU....