Vote MaMala! Her birth certitificate says she's Caucasion. How bout them coconuts? Trump right again....
Fox Noos, Murdochs just can't except that Trump is kickin' ass & grabbin' pussy, left & Right. So.. FOX News has covered the Second & 3rd teamers...
Won't vote for Nikki Haley. She is Liberal. Have noticed her trying to sell: "Trump is Chaos" in Iowa. She started before that, but seems to say...
So Eric Clapton, a session guitarist, the only non-Beatle guitarist to play on a Beatles album. While my Guitar Gently Weeps", both solo & rhythm...
We are the same team that lost to FSU. BK terrible DB recruiter. Sad part, he can pay them.
NCAA Total Defense 9-5-23
Miles was 7-0 vs A&M. BK is 0-1 at LSU. FSU just moved to 9-2 over LSU All Time.
And Liberals come on here and have the audacity to complain. "Go on take the Money and Run" - Steve Miller Delaware... where Crimes are allowed...
[IMG] "God save the Queen, man!"
Yes, he did. And Liberal nutbags "clearing" Liberal nutbags means nothing.
Why did Bideb steal documents as a Seblnator in the Senator starting in the 1970's? Trump documents guarded by United States Secret Service.
One last picture. 2023 Les Paul Standard. [IMG] Still being Made in America.
Democracy is now Dead. Joseph Biden & other Liberals killed it on 6-9-23. Always remember exactly who did this to Americans & America. Doubt we...
[IMG] Real safety, right Winston. That pile of crap behind his ugly ass green Bondo Corvette in the garage. Hey, maybe it's a Supersonic garage...
He's been indicated alright. Indicated to easily win the GOP nomination. Biden can't win unless your party cheats again. Trump base will not be...
Tara Reade s a Liberal, did you forget. She work for demenia boy. Your people have made Russia homebase for Liberal horseshit.
Does Dementia Biden know what an Escape room is? I guess since he's walked wherever, they could bribe him with ice cream. This way "Joe, this...