Yeah he can piss off!
You guys are the best! I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas
AND The 14th doesn't mention the office of the President anywhere!
Don't fret, OCs are a dime a dozen
Hopefully we get enough CBs to be able to play him at S
Ok I'm in. Damn didn't realize so many games played already
@HalloweenRun if you recall, when talk of all this started I was very vocal in my opposition. I, like you knew it was the beginning of the end....
Word is he wanted 250k to stay
Not a single one, and why would they subtract one of them?
Yes, I gathered all of that. I was being sarcastic with the name of the movie. Ill take your word for it cause I ain't watching that.
While I don't live there I do visit often (maybe we can grab a beer sometime) but I just haven't ever taken H town for a big eaTme town. Not...
I love your enthusiasm bro
Is that what he did? I thought he was doing math
Literally no idea what in the hell you are talking about
Except for you But that was funny
Could you imagine how much better the world would be?
Well that's just crazy talk. We'd have to have at least two more to get into that discussion
That's a fair point. He is into the 70s now and I've said for the last couple years that he will hang it up after his next one. I truly believe...
I'm concerned with the lack of action to date. Staff needs to get busy. Portal is overflowing with positions of need right now and we have picked...