look man if you get arrested for election denying, i will pretend i never saw you do it and lie on your behalf, and donate to your gofundme. i...
reminds me of bill clinton. parsing words so much that eventually he wouldnt agree with the meaning of the word "is" the honest man speaks...
MBS is a murderer, isnt he, @Rex [IMG]
right like when you supported hillary claims that the elecction was stolen from her and trump was not a legitimately elected president, but when...
seems a bit silly for trump to post bail or bond or whatever its called, given that he is always accompanied by law enforcement every day at all...
pedo joe is a well known rigger-lover
given that these people tried to overthrow our democracy, which is treason, and firing squad is appropriate, according to you, for treason, would...
cant trust a dirty rigger rigger please
we are making up crimes here. attempted racketeering via obviously protected political speech. trump called for recounts in the exact same you...
just like when you said "ample justification for both suspicion and a recount" thats what trump did. he said there was suspicion and said it...
this is exactly what trump wanted, a pause and recount.
i watched trump on tucker carlson. he sounded exactly like you. like this: trump says these exact things you say. but you havent been arrested.
remember your stated claim is that the elections were stolen from them via cheating. sorry bro. i know you wish your history wasnt here. but it is.
i see and the election was stolen by bush messing with/halting the vote counts. understood! you cant win, bud, you are arguing both sides. you...
like gore did and you cheered it on because you thought there was cheating and a stolen election. but it turned out there wasnt, and nobody was...
well those folks should have protested peacefully like trump asked instead of delaying the proceedings for half an afternoon when you said the...
that wasnt stopped it was delayed i think an hour and a half. wouldnt have even been delayed at all if those clowns at the capitol had protested...
you claim this as well. "John Kerry, you WON the election. And the recounts will PROVE it" - rex, claiming the votes themselves are off, just...
calling for recounts? sounds like trump again. he will also prove he won, if he can get access to the voting data
but it is relevant if we are trying to figure out how the earth's climate tends to change. like for instance if the earth was hot in the past we...