I've got a feeling this is going to be a long night.
If you could stick a thermometer up Nick's ass right now it would explode.
You wouldn't know the truth if it nailed you between the eyes with a 4' 2 X 4 [ATTACH]
Damn..Darrel Royal is rolling over in his grave.
The green chili I've eaten has meat in it. Green chile, not necessarily.
Good win!! They are 3 - 1.
Chile, yes. I haven't seen green chili in a jar.
Did you mean wouldn't?
You're the leader of the pack by a immeasurable margin.
He whispers to his partner. [ATTACH]
Further proof that you are clueless. Ever heard of Google?
Look in a mirror.
You're being kindl. [ATTACH]
I do. [ATTACH] What did you serve it with? I reminded my wife that with fall approaching it's time for that first pot of green chili.
I hope you don't have a job in sales. [ATTACH]
Did it ever occur to you that you didn't have to read this thread? Probably not. [ATTACH]
She read the way you cook your chile. She no longer makes green chile sauce. She found a canned product she likes just as well as the sauce she...
Our team leadership has got to remind everyone to forget those stats & concentrate on next week & AU.