I love it!
At least little girls got a little bit of a reprieve since he probably lost his sense of smell.
True, but they both support equal rights for their vaginas.
I thought that was Rex.
That's hilarious, since you libtards have been doing the same thing with Biden. Hypocrite much? Yall aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
Milley is the biggest pussy ever to serve as a General and a traitor to boot. Disgrace to the uniform.
Dangerous to who? He's proven himself to be a pathetic brain damaged dipshit. The only person he's a danger to is himself. He's to be pitied.
@Rex is a glutton for punishment. It's the only explanation for him hanging around. He likes the abuse.
So what did we learn from the primetime witchhunt, I mean 'hearing'? I didn't get to see it. Are the walls really really closing in this time?
You're such a disingenuous piece of shit. You said he didn't say it. He obviously did. And when faced with the truth, you deflect. Same old...
I know, right? Complicit.
He also has cancer. Or so he says.
There may or may not be a Glock-19 somewhere in the picture, but my focus is on the pair of 38s pointed at me. .[ATTACH]