Here, I'll you how to find it; when you are standing at the throne - - look down.
Sounds like gourmet pancakes. Ours were regular batter with blueberries and banana; the strawberries were in the fruit salad. Include sausage...
And buy the t-shirt; AND wear it!
I remember saying that exact same thing about 2021. Hope it's true this time.
I was literally trying to log in every 15 minutes, and trying different browsers just in case that was the issue. Even though I knew it wasn't....
MC - we are eating a huge Breakfast this morning eggs and sausage and beacon and pancakes and more. So my 6 year old Granddaughter asked everyone...
Hallelujah Hallelujah!!
Well 'cracking a beer' always improves my mood, especially if someone else is buying.:)
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you're feeling it more than I am this year. Been a tough year. Very glad the sites back up. I was afraid it...
You could not make that movie today. It's fantastically anti PC.
And the rest of the story . . . that guy is a congressman today!! :)
We're a field goal dog to Kansas St. God I hope we're at the bottom
I had a salesman who called on me named Mafoud. I think that's how he spelled it, but he pronounced it like "My food". His first name and...
This is a good article on the subject for those interested in how we got to where we are today. Including some interesting comments about the...
I was packing for a trip and put the game on but in all honesty only because of your and this thread. From what I saw no reason to be...
Nah, I have standards.
You sound like you have experience in this area
You're the pervert that wants to keep watching the little girl video over and over and over . . . .
Thanks, that was a good listen
Looking at the transfer portal it looks like a done deal. His brother shows signed for aTm