I know, I live in Houston metro. And he did the most damage after he was essentially given the GM and HC and had total control. Much like he...
Wish granted
So! Where the hell was Biggles when you needed him last Saturday? And where were all the sportsmen who always pulled you through?:)
I hope we don't open a position for him by hiring O'Brian
Sorry to hear this; not sorry for Dan, just with they had waited until we were settled.
This effort deserved a tranny bra.
I wonder if MichSt has withdrawn their contract offer after the phuckeyes laid 7 TDs and 500+yds of offense on sparty in the first half.
Me to
It was all a mistake, there was never supposed to be a colonoscopy. It was a classic Biden verbal gaff; he really meant to ask for a Bud Lite and...
And this is his good look after getting cleaned up for the press. Love to see the before picture.
He might, but I think it would be just delaying the inevitable because O had started spiraling down months before Brennan broke his arm. I...
Everything north of Shreveport is the same to me. :) Sorry Shane.
I'll be interested to hear any comments about the case from the jury.
I know. And if you know his history of slimy behavior; like quitting the Falcons in the middle of the season and notified the team by taping a...
Not a great list to be a member of. I see what you mean about the Mets GM; she must be able to suck start a leaf blower or have something else...
I found this surprising while looking at deficit/debt data at the site below. The site shows the annual deficit and debt increase also, but I'm...
In reality he didn't pick the coordinators in 2019. Aranda was already here and so was Ensminger, who I don't think gets enough credit for 2019....
I don't think we know what either MJ or Nuss are capable of at this point. They're young guys that have been thrown into a confusing unstable...
I've seen the chica and I get what your saying. And I could understand that thinking when I was a 25 yr old (pre-married). But even then I knew...
I don't know, it feels like the SEC is moving more and more in that direction. That's basically who we were in 2019, but we still love our defense.