Savannah Wolfe,.. she became a 49er cheerleader [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Oregon comes in 4th in first playoff poll as Ducks prep for Washington:...
i thought about that later and realized that you might just know,.. i didn't know what it meant, so i googled it some years ago
actually that song isn't about religion, it's an old southern phrase meaning,.. "losing my temper" [MEDIA]
i never said he wasn't
like i said a few pages back,.. "i consider, trump and joe, as merely place holders, irrelevant to our future,.. that coincides with my religious...
you didn't answer this question,.. "do you actually believe Obama thought we have 57 states?" no, i maybe foolishly thought trump was in bed with...
trump also thought the kansas city chiefs are based in kansas, he congratulated, "the great state of kansas",.. when they won the super bowl,.....
ew ew, ew.! she's so sexy tho,. mmm, cankles
honey nut cheerios sugar frosted flakes
nope,.. Giants got eliminated, i lost all interest,.. kinda hope atlanta wins,.. i'm a national league guy, and the braves did take out the effing...
i wonder where that cigar is today
y'all come back now
you intentionally entered a thread called, Climate Change, no one is forcing you to read it,.. if you don't like it,. you can move onto something...
well, typing anyhow
umm, because you possibly might learn something, lol, it could happen,.. this is a discussion, not a political propaganda death match
let me see if i have this straight, you're kinda sorta not so fond of democrats
coal not as bad,.. make it better wind/solar not so good,.. make it better nuclear, i'm in favor
that's a big part of the problem, everybody turns everything into politics,.. everyone is so busy defending their political stance that they won't...
very good, interesting video,.. i say, expand the research, enhance the technology, make it work!