It's all relative
When I got up this morning and looked east I could clearly see the edge of the storm with a perfect arc of clouds. It was very strange to be 120...
That was a point I made to my sons. At 17 with no training in that situation, he was toast. I wonder if the 17 yo has father, and if he...
"Nothing else. Just "Trump vs Riots." There are shit ton of people that believe trump is the cause of these riots which is obviously ridiculous....
The Democrats are not doing anything to tamp down the violence. As such a same person should vote thier ass out of or to stay out of office....
These "peacefull protesters" are straight up shit bags and the popo allowing this to go on is as wrong as two guys doing it. We are living in a...
You need to put down the lotion bottle before you touch the keyboard.
Capital M... mofo
You should be banned for that post.
What the F#$% Team...:D
Maybe it would hit washington dc
You need help... lay off the weed my friend
1941-1945 says hello
Umm trump was not president before he got elected...perhaps you should ask the resident Muslim in chief
I'm fairly certain you can stuff crab meat in dog shit and it would taste good
I love flounder blackened with some etouffee. I think I would eat that over just about everything else.
If you have been around chickens you'd know the hen isn't a willing participant.
That pretty much shows where we are today
Well that will teach eaux for talking good about trump. That sure as hell didn't tong.
Perfectly stated, and good looking also