Relying on my teaching experience, I’ve told everyone that would listen that the cavalier attitude about "we’ll have some on line and some in...
I will, as long as I have a post in me.
You are right, it is shitty. But it’s better than suffocating over a two or three week period with Covid-19. It’s also a lot better than saying...
I have six, maybe eight, masks, but only wear a couple of them. I go out three times in two weeks. Very minimal interaction when picking up...
Yes I don’t dream this up. Don’t get me wrong, there is ample data, but it is disparate in nature and not worth the effort to pull/adjust the...
I’ll be up front and acknowledge you asked for data. I’m not going to pursue since I’m 100% certain nothing I posted would affect your opinion....
If the case counts are so "over counted" and cases, per your implication, are either level or dropping, why is their such increasing pressure on...
Lived there about four years while in navy. I still have trouble with a lot spellings . . .defence vs. defense, for example.
I am not in Texas and have never taught there. Having said that, in North Carolina we would celebrate that only 1 in 10 were disengaged during a...
Do you mean TEXAS or the general election?
NC had an aggressive virtual high school program with pretty esoteric, specialized courses. Before a kid could enroll there were all sorts of...
Meaningful in regard to size. I see where that could have been construed as condescending. Sorry.
Agree 100%. I was sick constantly the first two years I taught. Hardly ever the last 8 years. As an older teacher, I went through Purcell by the...
I believe Friedman’s point was based purely on numbers and % of population with "genius IQs". In other words, there are a bunch of kids born in China.
People are dreaming, naive, or heaven forbid, stupid. NOTHING will be normal until the US gets this shit under control. Yeah, a few schools will...
That’s a correct conclusion. Actually a mask is considered highly hazardous. There are volumes on the inter web about how to safely take a mask...
First of all I don’t care. The issue is not how much money he has but his borrowing and where his money comes from.
I have seen this addressed several times. Turns out airplane air is pretty high quality. Apparently air comes in above seat and at waist level....
I read in a Paul Friedman book (The World Is Flat) that in a year, more geniuses are born in China than children are born in the US. Not a...