He doesn’t benefit from white privilege.
It’s not about liking him. It’s just Ramah’s vine fun and entertainment. Is it not fun to push people’s buttons? :D
Wtf is EA?
Georgia v Florida @ 2:30 Ole Miss v Auburn @ 6:00 Oregon v USC @ 7 K State v Kansas too. Hope Miles gets another win.
Hey, mind your own phuckin bidness and don’t worry about what me and a Tiga does.
Been happening behind the scenes already.
Is that a dam mannequin?
I see 2 losses for Bama.
Sure I do. Heck, I liked my land line and grandpa liked his straight six too. We’ll be ok.
There’s a reason we no longer climb poles to answer phones. Things change, we must move on.
Worship God, not athletes.
His post I quoted had nothing to do with what you’re talking about.
Matt Flynn vs Bama? lol
Preach on my brutha!
@TerryP We comin, baw.
Sounds like Kyle was taking a playful jab too, but at you. Mods are posters too, pal. *wink wink*
In 07 we were excited about the walkoff TD pass to D Byrd so why are we complaining when we knelt on it to run out the clock? Whiny lil bastards.
Kyle knows CO did one too many inverted negative 4 g dives when he was flying crop dusters in Katy Texas back in the 70’s.
Yeah you’re good at something else too, cocksucker.