I watch right much golf. I’ve seen him from time to time on Sunday, but never for extended times. I suppose that means he has been sniffing...
A LOT of the girls I went to high school with went to App State. I remember, vividly, getting a letter from one that pointed out that they had...
#1 !!!! Not so great 45 years ago, pretty cool now!
Full disclosure, I detest Donald Trump. “Some” of his policies are headed in the right direction, but he is a despicable human being. Having said...
That made my day!
I won my daughter’s sixth grade science fair by using and then displaying our yellow cat as part of her “experiment.”
Well, like it or not, Haney was correct on the winner. That’s wild having a number in your name. Kind of like you came out of the sixth test...
Snake springs from toliet, bites man. https://www.live5news.com/news/national/2019/05/28/snake-springs-toilet-bites-florida-man-arm/
Or a national school:Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard Academy, not necessarily in that order. You get paid to go there and you have a job for at...
That woman is a one person D.A.R.E. Campaign.
You’ve got to be a major league fuck up to motivate people to support Nancy Pelosi.
Pisses me off.
Next time I’m going under the knife, I hope the surgeon maxed out the SAT. Could not care less about the surgeon’s diversity score. Based on my...
Finally got the new cable modem activated this morning. Our cable provider is the worst and it took four tries. Anyway, my download speed is now...
There's three vampire bats in a cave. And they're really hungry. And they can't get hold of any blood to save their lives. And then one day one of...
That tranny looks a little like “the crisis actor” from FL! Hmmmmm.....
Done. Thanks!
Anyone have their own cable modem as opposed to renting one from the cable provider. I have rented forever, but think that is kind of dumb....
@shane0911 This one’s for you. [IMG]