So does Jamie Lannister kill the dragon queen? Will Arya pull a dwarf mask out and kill Cersei?
Congrats to Moreau. I hope he can shine as an offensive weapon for the Raiders and have a successful, injury free career.
The battle was chaotic to watch. I wonder if they planned it to be dark and hazy looking. I think they focused so much on the vastness of the...
Sorry if someone already stated this scenario... What if it was an inside job to get Alleva out?
Yea I said the same thing. Never heard of the guy. If so popular and such a positive role model in his community why are we only hearing about him...
One can only imagine what resides in the cracks and crevices of those streets and sidewalks. lol!
It took me a couple of times of watching the first episode to get into it, but I binge watched the first 3 seasons and became a fan. A lot of...
This should have happened before before Les was gone, but good that it happened nonetheless. I am curious as to what the new AD will focus on to...
Taking a break from life's drama to check in. Hope all is well on your end. Still here and always enjoy the point of views and humor on the boards.
About the OC situation, E is the OC. If the offense improves or regresses its on E. Brady is bringing some new ideas and helping implement them...
Love LSU, but couldn't care less about basketball. Even if the team was in contention for a title, I still wouldn't watch or buy a ticket to a...
Waves.. Hey KyleK!
I keep em all for one more season. Heads getting chopped after next season if there is any type of regression.
Gonna be funny when Pretty Boy Gundy with the mullet hangs half a hundo on the scoreboard .
Miles did not build anything. He won, yes. But to build a program to where LSU was while he was here from nothing? He didn't build anything, he...
We finally get to see if Coach Water Head can build a program from scratch. I have my popcorn ready.
And with making Aranda head coach, Aleva buys himself 3 more years at least as AD.
I think Aranda gets a shot at LSU head coach before he leaves for somewhere else. If the offense is still in the shitter next year Orgeron and his...
Anyone think they’ll be another players only meeting this week?
So firing E buys Coach O another season or two, and then canning O and promoting Aranda buys a Alleva another 3 or 4 after that right?