Speaking of GE turbines, I saw a clip of the GE test 747 with two huge engines. They are going to be on future 777s. Now focus: the engine’s...
Have any of you ever seen the original (Washington) masterpiece that Kaka has provided above? It is HUGE, I was astounded when I saw the real...
Used “AR" on purpose. Post was not meant real factual. An attempt at humor.
My brother, now deceased, did not care about much, except charcoal grill. He was really hard core! When I was in DC, and getting home at 7:00 -...
Of course, in a Medicare for all environment there would be no premiums paid by employers or individuals to insurance companies. I doubt it...
Here’s the deal. All these outfits are backing off plastic to free up plastic for 3-D printing of plastic, non-traceable, non-detectable assault...
Well, I hate to disagree again, but I’m not certain sending money to states is all that great an idea. Here in NC the legislators are a bunch of...
That’s a no shitter. I still believe Elizabeth Warren has terminal rabies!
You have a point, but I would say, two words, "Hillary Clinton."
These people are the mirror image of the hard core loonies on the right. They can kick ass in the primary, but they are not electable. I’m...
Dropping soap used to be a big joke in the Pentagon Officers Athletic Center (POAC). When navy and marines dropped soap in the shower room, they...
Yes! As soon as I 1) heard of the meeting 2) heard of a phone call to a blocked number 3) heard it was in Trump tower It was obvious Trump was...
It’s not what I think, it’s what 96% of the respondents think. AND those that follow Kristol tend to be CONSERVATIVES.
Uhmmm. As a 24 year navy guy, I voted No. wish there had been a HELL NO! [IMG]
I cut them up all the time. My daughter got me doing it. A major PITA but when I see pictures like those above, it makes it worth it. Had one of...
I’m no fan of Brennan, but if Trump and company think he has violated national security by unlawfully disclosing classified information, then...
Sorry for your loss. Do the best you can.
I’m 66 and while in pretty good health, not long, speaking relatively, for this world. I would have been quite pleased to have expired prior to...