Right on. I’ve said before that it seems some of our guys that get a full ride at such a program, see LSU as the end result of their labor, rather...
I’m a half empty glass kind of guy. Just how it is. If this guy comes to visit at LSU and then decides to go to Cincinnati, how bad will that...
She is quite unique, the only person in the freaking universe that the Dotard could have beat. Bitch has to look in the mirror every morning and...
I’m taking the under on that one!
Barely, but we were. I have said that more than you have. I am forever pissed at the Dems for not running anyone other than the beast!
Blaming the Russians is another brick in the no personal accountability wall. It's pretty much what the progressives worship. But, perhaps the...
Where one stands depends on where one sits!
I hate Trump, the Dotard, and his addled integrity. Unfortunately, just like Hillary who was even worse, the media is much worse than Trump....
And why/how are we better off pulling out of the deal? There is no upside, other than the Dotard fulfilling yet another campaign promise. I...
Jackson Browne is a natural for the board with The Pretender, and all that!
Ah, 1984 on a NATO visit to The Hague. The Babylon Hotel. Veuve Cliquot, all night till about 4:00 am. Royal Netherlands Navy guys buying. Up...
Hey, I don't mind laughing at myself. I got married after being helo'd off an aircraft carrier that was operating in the North Atlantic and...
You saved me some keystrokes. Feel the same way.
That’s all well and good, and possibly true, but he lies. Shamelessly.
I think he’s Mr. Dumbass. Let me just say, I’ve come to accept that DUMBASS is my favorite, go to word.
Ouch. Taken out of context, that could be a problematic remark!
I am no fan of Trump, nor am I a fan of a grown man going by "Ronny." But, this poor guy was screwed to the max, tried and convicted by The...
Until something big occurs to erase the memory of "TROY," there is going to be significant doubt about the program.
That's never something I would want to hear!
Practically every football talking head is determined to mention LSU’s issues with quarterbacks. At every chance Not a coincidence. Heard it...