and still going to win, which says a lot about Republicans. This is the worst candidate in Democratic Presidential nominee history and yall still...
possibly, we will find out. The latest shake up doesnt help the image.
did you take Izzy's job before or after the conventions?
I think they went to far on HB2, I agree with them on the transgender bathroom nonsense. But wow, the voter restrictions have come back to bite...
My God... does it matter.
not that much difference, both are possibly corrupt, doesnt matter if he is a private citizen, he is running for a very public office now, which...
9 wow. I thought NC would have been a republican lean this year. what happened?
this is like arguing about the best way to die at this point. by poison or being hung.
why would he get mad at that. lol
effective tax rate, so the story goes. Warren Buffet has a million more tax shelters to reduce his tax liability, than his secretary. Dollar for...
wat? yes they do to an extent, they will show the value of certain taxable assets. which you can back into most peoples net worth. take a class...
hope everyone is fairing well. My sister lives in new iberia and had a close call with the flooding, other relatives not having such luck. talk to...
i might stick around for a few, foosball season starting and all. good time to return.
yall have a good one:)
Red back yet?
told you i was confused.
he's black, he's the president of the united states, you're a citizen... thats all i know. every republican president has been my president, every...
he's not your president because he's black? im confused.
its easy to fuck with him, i knew what he meant, but pride is a funny guy.