There was a 1.2 billion dollar surplus that year. Hardly a mistake. Unfortunately, it preceded the great recession.
It was meant to be an attention getter but really just made him look silly.
I loathe Kathleen Blanco but it takes a helluva stretch to blame this on her. Jindal was the governor for 8 years and did nothing about our...
Then like Martin said, you should root for Sanders and Trump. Especially Trump. I think Bloomberg will get in the race if it's Trump vs. either...
Yep, he's a liar. We only elect liars. I voted for JBE but I knew this was coming. I almost wanted Vitter to win to see how he handled this....
I hope that's not all there is to it. Sounds totally jacked up. Do Republicans have super delegates too?
I gotta read up on this. It doesn't make sense to me.
Jindal was so concerned about lowering taxes so he could build his resume for the white house that he didn't care what happened. It's a mess....
I already agreed it was the wrong move but you're kidding yourself if you think 30k people working 20 hours a week at minimum wage is going to...
SNAP is federally funded so while the work requirement was a good move and he shouldn't have overturned the decision, it has zero affect on the...
2016 is our year!
You know it's not that simple.
Trump wants to assassinate Kim Jong Un. If you support this guy, you need your head examined. Here's a good breakdown....
Once he gets shellacked in South Carolina, he'll throw in the towel.
How long do you think Carson lasts?
Maybe but there was a time there where she was really gunning for Aniston but aniston's staying power has really been impressive. She looked spot...
I can't vote for Sanders Clinton Trump or Cruz. As long as it's anyone else, I'm good. And for the record, this is clearly the order: Aniston,...
It will be interesting to see where Christie's votes go. The best bet is Bush because Christie has consistently touted the fact that a governor...
I thought it would be fund to make predictions about the 2016 Class. Make any prediction and any category you'd like. Here are mine: 1. Instant...
Didn't say it wasn't dumb. dumb and reality aren't mutually exclusive.