The paragraph is your friend.
You are way off base as usual. I am the guy who wants something between Sanders and Trump. I keep telling you, it is not a black and white world....
Again you ignore geopolitical reality with your blind ideology. You are just being an iconoclast again.
You are making no sense at all. Get coherent and stay on topic.
Bullshit. Americans need jobs here. We don't have to deal with unemployed Chinamen, we do have to deal with unemployed Americans. I'm not talking...
Move there. Adios, amigo. I love Americans.
You should read it yourself and read Geopolitics 101, as well. The best economies are never 100% internal or 100% external. It takes a mix and...
It depends on what you're calling free trade. You are talking about free enterprise. Sanders is talking about Corporations moving factories...
I'm not defending Bernie Sanders, I don't like him much. I'm saying that there is a balanced to be achieved between national and...
At this pace, easy. But one slight injury and it won't happen.
I have been trained by martin.
Both are important and neither are mutually exclusive. Equilibrium has to be found. America success has always been based on a large and...
You are not paying attention. US corporations exploiting cheap overseas labors to enhance their profits at the expense of US jobs are...
Are you daff? It is because counties are expected to take care of their own people first. What presidential candidate would run on making things...
I think it is exactly that simple and he is calling for a better balance between the best interests of the nation and the best interests of...
Total horseshit. Here is the thing. Anyone who has survived this much vindictive political scrutiny for this long and has not been charged with a...
I don't see them either.
Steeerike three!
For what?
He can but there is a rule about blows to the head.