The Obamas have spent over a billion taxpayer dollars vacationing the last 5 1/2 years. That is stealing from me also.
Last year we had a Cub and Boy Scout jamboree at Sardis. A couple of the rangers were so rude to the kids during the fishing rodeo that some of...;_ylt=A0SO8yv7aFlTkWkA1plXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0MWc4MnUwBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQxN18x?_adv_prop...
Those "crazy Americans" probably prevented another Ruby Ridge or Waco type incident. I've dealt with a few Fed. and state Game Wardens. If I...
Nah.I'll just Stand my Ground. It worked on King George, it'll work on queen obama.
200 armed federal agents pointing guns at people over a cow grazing dispute isn't a job. It's tyranny
Standing up for your rights and pointing guns back at those pointing them at you. That ain't crazy. that's American.
Moderate my ass. You voted for bigger and more powerful government the last 2 presidential elections and will vote and defend it the next one....
I'm not advocating anything, especially going back to picking cotton. half of the black community does not stand behind Jesse Jackson nor Al...
But when people fight back they are quickly labeled nut jobs, domestic terrorists, or anti-govt loons.
He shouldn't have said all that but if you look at all the rhetoric that Al and Jesse have spewed over the years then Bundy's remarks are quite...
Bundy should rename his ranch, Benghazi Ranch. Then he should hire illegal mexicans to tend and herd his cattle. No way in hell would the feds,...
I don't have a problem with that. The federal govt has been ripping the American taxpayer off for years.
Kind of odd this comes from you. You vote for bigger government and ever increasing government power,Kerry, Barry, and Hillary if she runs. Then...
Louis Lerner gonna get you! :eek:
:DThey sent 200 armed men and helicopters to get bundy over $1.1 million he owes. Spent $3 million doing it. Al Sharpton owes $2.6 million. I hope...
I'd have threatened them with some chilli, cheese, pickles, and a bun.
What you got now, Cuz? "Trespass cattle". Secondary mitigation? What's that all about?
Chicago. New York. New Jersey. Detroit. Philadelphia just to name a few