However, if and when Cam is in the running for the HC position, LSU should have a good idea who he is and what he's capable of.
The white guy stuck in a black man's body from the "Idol" shows.
Why? How many times has he put the wrong guy in at QB while an obviously better option was on the sidelines?
Bullshit. Three, ten win seasons out of four. A feat that Bowden accomplished once in his last ten seasons. So, what? There is absolutely no way...
Four of the last five head football coaches at LSU are Catholic.
You don't think that the Russians wouldn't have known this as well and stayed the fuck at home?
I agree that he is involved, but he doesn't strike me as a leader.
Sorry man. I miss read the ever loving shit out of that sentence. I read it as "yet to be determined".
You need to review the last two episodes. Chole and Hart are 100% committed to finding out who it is and bringing them to justice.
@red55 Just because a tiger has its mouth open or is running, doesn't mean its in attack mode. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I personally never liked the eye of the tiger. Thirty some odd years and I've tried to let it grow on me, but I hope this new logo takes its place.
It has ears, they are just pointed back and laying down. Cats do that when they're in attack mode.
It is just a finger counting method that frees up one hand for picking boogers. [IMG]
A colony of beavers is ruled by a single female. If she dies, the survivors will leave that particular drainage, never to return.
Here y'all go guys: [media]
Again I'll ask, what do you know about Rivers' chances in a spring competition that Rivers doesn't know?
Yeah right. I predict he never plays a single down in the NFL, but he will be on the sidelines (college and/or NFL) with his clipboard and headset...
Technically, he won't be transferring and he will wait until summer to "move on". He's just declaring his intentions early. I can see that a fan...
I have used fine grit sandpaper, polishing compounds and even toothpaste to buff out bad spots on CDs and DVDs. I would try it on a record that...