Okay, so I've been playing around with a Jambalaya twice and my wife has now volunteered me to cook for a group of ten at a dinner to reveal the...
not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. I think you are.
Like in 2011?
They'll likely be gone for six months or so though. Could even be a year or two depending on how complex the bankruptcy is.
The way that dude switches gears is something to behold.
Damn! Should have ignored you and let you dwell on it over the weekend.
The way they use boudin in dishes. His best dish is called "Sweet Baby Breesus" and it's a small buttermilk biscuit with bacon fried boudin and...
If you like Boudin.... French Press It will change your life. That is all.
I'll have to start a new account when I troll so obviously.
You gotta love numbers!
Tebow would be the best quarterback in the NFL if given the chance.
You'll have to explain that one to me. Obama 50.6% Romney 47.8%. 2.8% difference right?
Holy cow, you have to get your opinions in quickly around here lately.
A couple of things. First, I think Romney didn't get the memo that vilifying the less privileged is not going to be part of the party platform...
Cue Martin's "I guessed this two pages ago" argument. That was a good one though.
Does it copy onto or from a transparency?
I work with architects and engineers every day and have no idea what that is. Is it a scanner? Does it somehow change the 2D drawings into some...
9-1 and I'm rolling. Clinched playoffs and at least my money back. Fred Jackson got hurt agian so I'm rolling with CJ Spiller. I can pretty...
Wait, he can sign an LOI already?
Actually it's over your head. Reread my response. You didn't capitalize the first letter of the first word of your sentence. About as mundane as...