My first memory of Karras was from the movie "Paper Lion" based upon the George Plimpton book. Alan Alda played Plimpton in the movie as a writer...
And Zubaz the rest of the year.
Fuck Roger Goodell.
What a stooge.
Props to Props to Jeremy, first Redemptorist grad to ever score for Ole War Skule. RHS alum here.
Dumbasses. Amazing they would blame the AD.
The smell is reminiscent as well.
I don't care really about that, for the most part. It was his smarmy attitude and his meltdown at TS that made him into "The Lil' Prick". His...
Uh, no. Dude went to his big island in the sky on 9/2/05.
A true Tiger great. When I got The Fighting Tigers by Peter Finney in 1968, when it was published, Steve Van Buren became real to me. He was...
So, is that where dude hides his stash?
Dummy Badger.
or fail to do so
You mock everything, including yourself. Yes i'm drunk, but thash not da punt.
If he's overrated then why worry?
Dontcha worry 'bout a thing. Dint you just post that ESPN article about dude bein' overrated?
It's still a travesty that Laettner was picked before Shaq. I've still got a red ass about that.
Was at the final Sunday, spotted a few LSU fans, we were sportin' gear too. Ran into a lil' hottie who said "Roll Tide" and my brother shot back...
Unfortunately, we finished second to Florida for the men's championship yesterday. I miss all things LSU, FB, BB, and Baseball, but I really miss...