Impossible that we go win in the swamp with mett. Im tellin ya. Geaux to vegas and take florida and bet ur entire 401k and retire courtesy of...
A mans knee isnt supposed to turn, pivot. Or bend that way. If he needed help off the field, hes hurt, knee is iced and hes already got crutches,
Cope is out for the year, his ankle ..OMG tht was horrible. Exactly the starters shouldnt even bein now, especially if we dominated the entire...
Ky isbeating sc!!! Id rather watch womens cross country
What was the line tonight? Whats the prelim line for florida, ...doesnt matter, ill take florida
Idbet the farm on florida rightnow
This game isa joke. They r looking to florida already, sure, we win, but by wayyy less than what we should. We prob drop to 4/5 next week,...
Please tell me im not the only one who sees all these little mistakes, just out of reach passes, and dropped passes as an issue. Weve been hearing...
This game looks likethe offense from the past 4 games. Vanilla! Lsu literally has 15 plays...MAX
Love to see another good louisiana team. ( ok any other)
Sec will always show up, especially for "das boot"
All the love for notre lame puts them prob 8/9 Lsu falls to 4/5 Dont know why really..clemson scored o much on fsu, ok sucks. We won our sec game,...
Come on clemson
You have GOT to be kidding me. I coulda caught that.. Simple fundamentals!
I agree. Bc im critical im labeled a hater? Gmafb... Go out and dominate an opponent that isnt a cupcake and ill still find something to complain...
Arky losing to the scarlet nights...yikes. Are we in the twilight zone or something
Highly doubt it I would like to hear les' halftime chew out though
Y Yup. I take a time out and yell for 30 secs about getting a fucking yard
Doubt it