If the discussion is centered on his federal income tax rate, as this one has been, it just seems dishonest to include payroll taxes in this...
Almost everyone is paying a rate lower than that. The effective rate for individual income taxes for the bottom 95% is 11%....
No, anyone who cares about such a superficial manner is not sensible.
This is how you tell if someone would care. Look at their party affiliation. If they are part of a fear herd (R) or (D) they will care about the...
Yes the hacks would be up in arms. The people who care about Obama's secret college transcripts and other bs would rabble rabble about anything...
So did the one guy in anyway force this other guy into the transaction with the price that you, an uninterested party, thought was too high?
Was the amount the guy paid the other guy for the thing reasonable?
Which part is misleading? Did he not further cut taxes with the "Making Work Pay" credit? Did he not cut payroll taxes? Has he not continured...
Except Obama who doubled down on Bush's bad policies, by extending the tax breaks and doubling and tripiling the budget deficits Bush ran.
It's a shame that you think most voters are too dumb to realize personal finances and lies you put on your college application don't impact how...
Just like with his birth certificate, or his college records, or any of his other personal crap... I could not give a single fuck.
You are disputing something I did not say. I said individual investors don't hold enough shares to be influential, and that is true. I doubt...
Generally executive management owns a substantial part of a large corp. The bulk of the rest is held by institutional investors. The typical guy...
Yeah. They are all equally full of prunes.
I also support the government taking measures that are appropriate.
I think Democrats are taking this quote out of context in the same vein Republicans did with the you didn't build that quote.
What is your opinion on the bailouts? Do you think think they were necessary?
No metric is needed. Execs wanted lots more money, and corps were willing to pay lots more money. That is how free markets work.
You already have all the say. You can either own the company or not. The average individual stockholder has neither the knowledge nor the time...
Why don't you just not own those companies. And the issues you are bringing up are quite old, and no longer issues. Sarbanes-Oxley put lots of...