Jack of all trades and a master of none. Having said that, I think he'll have a great year at WR and get drafted.
I genuinely hope you're right. no doubt.
Well this thread has gotten out of control. I'll make a couple of points on my own not responding to anyone in particular. I don't think obama...
Generally speaking, children from a two parent home are more productive members of society
You're arguing what he may have meant. I'm listening to what he said. It was quite clear to me that after he said it he tried to back pedal out of...
Why is reproduction not a benefit to society? Of course it's a benefit.
Does this affect 2013 class and how many we can take
The whole thing. I don't do fox news spin. That entire speech was offensive to anyone who's started a business
Im surprised there isn't one about obamas comments on small business too
Just enjoying the process from everything I've read. Nothing to worry about
Gilmore Williams and Willis to closeout is what I'm hoping for. But even if we get those three, our current class won't be the class we sign....
Getting closer...... http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=fb&ql=1
"Blow job parties" are the new "mixed tapes."
First, I've gone away from a laptop. I don't own one. Secondly, I find that when you stream video through a laptop it makes it work like hell...
Can I run HBOGo on Apple TV or Roku?
This answer right here shows how bad I am at this game. I was two feet from someone who used this over the weekend and had no idea.
I have heard indirectly from someone close to the program that the big question we hear this year about Mettenberger will be "Why didn't he play...
I definitely don't understand this but I'll trust the coaches. My biggest concern about this is that it seems a position that I thought we had a...
I bet red's a little grayer than he lets on. You're spot on with Martin.
Lasalle, it doesn't say you got caught by your dad. Could be your grandma or something. How about this one. Which member is this. [IMG]