You cannot be this naive. The attention span of most people can only be measured in nano seconds. When this hoop-la dies everyone will go on...
All he has pledged so far was to cut tax rates further. He wants to cut the top marginal rate by 20%. He also said he wants to roll back...
How on earth could you draw that conclusion? You do realize, that based on what Romney has outlined, the only way the authors of this study could...
When you start saying shit like that it means you are old.
What most folks fail to grasp is that Isom wasn't even that great at Soccer. She was the best player on an average team, but was not one of the...
1998 - 2000. Outside of At The Drive-In and Small Brown Bike there is little I listen to from my high school years. Lots of crap like boy bands...
It shouldn't go anywhere. It is a stupid bill designed to look like a good goverment reform bill. Paul knows this bill is bs, but he also knows...
Only four firms in the world have the manpower or the skill set to take the job. None of them will. It is too complex, too big, and too time...
No buddy. all that says is laws and treaties have to be made pursuant to the constitution.
Article 6 says that laws and treaties that are constitutional are lawful. How does that supercede the constitution?
In North America the Chicken turtle has the longest neck. They can reach back and bite their own tails. They are usually pretty docile though....
It is subject to interpretation for sure. I have seen some argue that if Obama was born in Kenya he wouldn't be a birthright citizen because his...
You are coming across as very ill informed. Tell me, which amendment says treaties trump the Constitution?
I'm glad he put the roids behind him. He was close to the edge, and did a 180.
Two years ago ey? Obama's people were probably hacking snopes to report things in thier favor. Breibart knew that. Why do you think Obama made...
I'll bet you everything I own against everything you own that this treaty has no implications, if it is even real, which it probably isn't. I bet...
Even if you crazies are right and he was born in Kenya, he would still be a birth right citizen via his mother being an American citizen. Even if...
You realize this is all some huge nutty conspiracy theory.
Again. This does not matter if the the debt to GDP ratio is reduced. The problem with our debt is not the number. It is that debt is an...
Another distinction is common snappers are a lot more aggressive than alligator snappers. And that neck is a bitch.