Fellow namesake not even in the same atmosphere. The poor kid showed up to his ceremony wearing a bama hat.... Didnt even take a visit to another...
As you can tell the "comments" are not very flattering to Les or LSU. Not that I care. But it is just more press we dont need right now. Good or...
No it looked like a cell phone video from the bash. You could tell it was amateur video. I am sure some Anti-Miles Jackass sent it to SC. Give it...
Tusk is a good dude. He is no different than us. Passionate about his team. The only difference his board (tidefans.com) no one is allowed to...
DIE THREAD DIE !!!!!! We need another section of the board. Where threads go to die so the mods can move threads like this there like this there...
Yeh kind of my thinking. I am sure he is very upset and rightfully so by the games some of these kids played. Kiel actually effected another kid...
ESPN - Les Miles - A segment on ESPN Camera Phone did anyone watch sportcenter during lunch. I took a break and ate my steak and cheese subway...
Word is they screwed one kid about to send in his letter and called him and said all full. he ended up calling Arkansas to see if they had a spot...
If you are joking you lost me. If you are not, how can you possibly degrade these kids who signed up to be a part of our family many away from...
Umm. You are being sarcastic right ????
Also keep in mind a certain QB named Ryan did this to UT and came to LSU. Look how he turned out. The point if you look back at kids who behave...
Sorry fair enough. I apologize......
I highly doubt it [IMG]
Really WOW !!! Thanks for breaking the news. We were all wondering... Thanks for the heads up....
I told myself this year I will not follow recruiting becuase is a circus and a sideshow that is grossly overhyped and a beating. but as usual I...
There was an article on ESPN about social media etc and LSU's policies. They were pretty clear players are not allowed to discuss specific people...
Funny. Ignore the wins we got (Liggens, Kwon, etc) Just focus on the one bad... Try to celebrate what we do have and not lament what we dont.
Janzen Jackson chapter 2. Next !!!!
I hate the option. It is easy to stop. See LSU's complete demolition of teams like Ga Tech etc. I hope to never see it again.
Also I would suspect that the Kwon situation made us look very full at LB.