Great questions there!
Actually there is.....lsu's boys know where it's at ...bama's doesn't! Or at least that's what it will look ike 1-9-12!!
Fail on the case and point!
Believe much as they act like the don't....Bama wanted to be playing in the sec championship.....That is the #1 Goal of ANY sec team, win...
LOL ...funny guy.....bcs sighned sealed and delivered. THAT's Reality!
+1 My thoughts exactly......if you wanna break down another teams defense as to how to beat them....don't get blown off the field like you did...
good lord!! it's time for the game to start because to many people are fighting for silly reasons now.....come on Jan 9th....let's get it rolling!
Is it just me....Or was that one of the worst played sugar bowls of all time?? Not as far as competiveness, but just overall good football?
Bhelm keep the updates comming brother!! Your a very reliable source when it comes to recruiting, now is the time of recruiting madness!
One FINAL question for you?? Has Every Coach and every AD sighned on and agreed to adhere to the BCS rankings or the AP rankings?? CASE CLOSED!!
This has been my motto for the game since I found out that it was bama we would play " Leave No Doubt"!
Because at that time there were No other inteties to issue a credible championship, the AP at that time was the most notarized and famous ranking...
+ 1!!!!
Since it's inception, ALL Coaches and Universities have sighned on and agree that the BCS Champions are what counts as #1. In 1958 there was no...
AP title??? Who cares, dont like it dont want it, all I care about is the BCS title...rgardless of what happens on 1-9-12!!
My opinion of meyer has never changed.....the biggest whinner, lieing piece of crap, ride the coattails of great players......congrats to the...
I have been saying that for a few weeks now ...Just good to see stats that actually back it up....great work! Some people do not want to hear...
AP title does not mean crap in my eyes!
***fingers crossed. I really think Landon will be a very very good one!
LOL....first bowl game ever at the FBS level. Their fans have been dieing to go to a bowl game and have been bowl eligable a few times and past...